Oraan Watermark

Oraan’s terms & conditions

About Oraan

Oraan is a financial technology company working to make access to financial services simpler and gender inclusive. Our flagship product is Oraan Committees.

Contractual Rights of Oraan

These legal terms are between you and Oraan Tech Private Limited (Oraan/us/we) and you agree to them by using the Oraan app and website. You should read this document along with our Privacy Policy.

What is an Oraan Committee?

Oraan committee is a digital committee product where Oraan will help you find the right committee to access savings. Oraan will act as your facilitator and / or agent to make sure you are paying on time and receiving your money on time. You can choose to be part of 5 months or 10 months Oraan committees.

Process to be part of Oraan Committees:

  • Submission of Application
  • Verification of the applicant
  • Confirmation by making the first payment
  • Initiate the committee by making the first payment.

What are the policies for Oraan Committees

Once you agree to becoming an Oraan Committee member, the following rules are applicable to you:

Confirmation of slot

Your committee payout month and commitment in a committee is confirmed after accepting the committee details in the Oraan app. Subsequent to that, failure to pay the first installment within the defined deadline will result in cancellation of your slot. If you require an extension of the deadline, you have to request for extension before the deadline.

From the time you (the Client) pay the installment amount for the Oraan Committee until the disbursement of funds, Oraan will securely hold the amount as "Amanat". Moreover, you consent that Oraan may hold your installment amount during the transit period till the payouts are processed in a remunerative account. Any return earned by Oraan during the period will be solely the right of Oraan.

Late payments and Charity

Oraan holds the right to collect charity in case of delayed payments and failure to pay within the deadline can result in a payment towards charity. In case of delays beyond 15 days and upon demand by Oraan, you undertake to pay an amount as per the fee details mentioned on the Oraan website in charity which will be collected by Oraan and disbursed to a government registered charity. In case of delay, it is your responsibility to inform the Oraan team and request for extension.
Oraan holds the right to change your payout month in case of continuous late payments or drop your slot with refund of paid amount without the fees and the charity amount. Oraan reserves the right to deduct full fees in your payout month along with the charity amount in case of late payments. Please note that fees and charity amount will not be refunded.

Non-payment after payout

If you have received a payout and have not paid your installment for over 30 days, you will be considered a 'defaulter'. Oraan shall be entitled to terminate the OC and recall the entire outstanding amount (which may include all legal costs and expenses that may be incurred in the course of legal action and recovery). 
A notice to this effect shall be sent to you. You shall then have 30 days from the time you receive a written notice of the default and a demand for past due amounts, to cure the default. 
Oraan reserves the right to pursue legal action for recovery and report you to the concerned authorities including but not limited to credit bureaus which may limit your ability to avail services from financial institutions in Pakistan.


Refunds can be made in the following cases:

  1. You have made an extra payment and instead of applying to the following month, you want a refund. In this case, Oraan will return the amount to you within 5 working days.
  2. You are choosing to drop your slot before your payout month, you will be refunded within 5 working days. However, your fees and any charity amount applicable are non-refundable.


Your payout will be sent to an account under your name. In case you submit a family member’s account, you have to provide their CNIC and contact details, and Oraan holds the right to ask them permission and take them as a guarantor. Oraan will not transfer payments to defaulter accounts or members with pending balance. In the case of a business account, we require proof of ownership or association with said business. We also require information on what the nature of the business is.


Oraan has the right to drop you if your reference fails, such that they do not take guarantee of your information or do not hold a good history with Oraan.Oraan has the right to drop you if your reference has a pending balance or has become a defaulter.In the case of family members, if you or any of your family members default, Oraan has the right to withhold your payment for recovery. 

Will I go through a verification process?

All members of the Oraan committee go through a verification process to confirm you in the Oraan Committee. You need to be above 18 years of age to take part, unless otherwise as part of any special campaigns. Oraan will hold the right to reject your application if you do not pass the verification process.

Are there any fees for Oraan Committees?

Oraan Committee slots are subjected to management fees as per the rates disclosed at the time of applying for the committee and on the Oraan website. Oraan reserves the right to waive its fee, in part or in full.

Should you withdraw from your OC before the expiration of your term, Oraan holds the right to remove the fee waiver given to you for such OC.

Making payments of Oraan Committees

Oraan accepts multiple modes of payments into its official bank accounts. Upon confirmation of the Oraan committee, the information will be shared with the user.

How to contact us

We are available at
Email: support@oraan.comGeneral: (021) 37130287Payments: +92 305 1623293

How to make a complaint

If you have a complaint, please contact us through the details mentioned on our website and in the Oraan mobile app, and we will do our best to fix the problem.

Contractual Agreement

  1. By agreeing to these terms and conditions, you agree that:
    1. if you are to take an Oraan Committee or any other product with Oraan, you are obliged to make the payments on time;
    2. you authorize Oraan and any relevant third parties to exchange information for the purpose of processing your application. Further, you authorize Oraan to disclose and share information/data about your Oraan Committee(s) to/with any credit bureau, agent, financial institutions, or company as Oraan considers appropriate or as legally mandated; and
    3.  you authorize Oraan to access credit information bureaus (including Tasdeeq) to generate your credit information report (if required at any time by Oraan), and the same will be used to process your OC applications.
  2. 1. In case of default, fraud, or any misrepresentation, you will be subject to legal action.

1. By agreeing to these terms and conditions, you agree that if you are to take an Oraan Committee or any other product with Oraan, you are obliged to make the payments on time.
2. In case of default, fraud, or any misrepresentation, you will be subjected to legal recourse.

Oraan Community

1. By being part of Oraan, you agree to be part of Oraan's community.
2. You will be banned from the platform if you:
a. Disrespect any of the members or team of Oraan
b. Use language and or act in a way that does not adhere to the values of Oraan
c. Misrepresent any information provided to Oraan

Making changes to this agreement

This agreement will always be available in the app and on our website. We can make changes to it for any reason. If we make changes to it that are clearly in your favor, we will tell you once we have made them. Otherwise, we will give you two month's notice in the most secure way, using one of our usual channels. If you do not agree to these changes, you can let us know and we will close your account. We will transfer any money due to you in any of your bank accounts, and you will need to pay back any money you owe us. If we do not hear from you, we will assume that you are happy with the changes we have made.