How Independence For One Woman Empowered Many Others | Oraan Podcast

  1. Financial independence: Financial independance empowers women and contributes to their personal and professional growth. It enables them to have a stronger voice, make decisions without dependence, and build confidence in their abilities, ultimately leading to a more fulfilled and empowered life.
  2. Female Financial Contributions: Society should value and recognize the role of women, not just as caretakers but also as contributors to the economy.  By embracing gender equality and providing equal opportunities for women in education, employment, and leadership positions, we can harness their full potential and create a more prosperous and equitable society for all.
  3. ?Intrinsic joy: Happiness comes from within and cannot be solely based on material possessions. Chasing after material possessions alone can trap us in an endless cycle of wanting more, leaving us feeling unsatisfied and disconnected from what truly matters. Instead,We should focus on creating memorable experiences, self development, and nurturing relationships. By doing so, we can uncover a profound sense of happiness and well-being that goes beyond the fleeting pleasure of material possessions.

Welcome to another episode of the Oraan Podcast, where we engage in uncomfortable conversations about money and women. In this episode, we have Swaleha Lakho, a teacher partner at Dotted Line and a member of Oraan, sharing her inspiring journey as a financially independent woman. Through her story, we discover how her independence has not only impacted her life but also empowered countless others.

Swaleha believes that the mindset of thinking about money changes when one becomes a parent. The responsibilities and priorities shift, prompting a bigger perspective on personal growth and sustainability. Unfortunately, society often undervalues the contributions of women compared to men, especially when it comes to financial matters. Swaleha challenges this notion, emphasizing that financial independence has brought her both professional and personal growth.

the point is on every lunch and dinner table I always tell them and reinforce this it was not me who got this here you know Allah has given me these capabilities

Being a mother is a 24/7 role, and often the struggles and efforts of mothers go unnoticed and under appreciated. However, when children witness their mother who is not only working but also managing her personal life with happiness, it positively impacts the entire family. Swaleha's journey towards financial independence began when she started having children. Prior to that, she was earning and spending without much concern for saving. Money did not bring fear to her life; instead, she focused on finding happiness within herself and bringing it home.

Swaleha believes that true happiness comes from within and cannot be solely attained through material possessions. One can have the best things in life and still feel unfulfilled. She teaches her children to be grateful for what they have and to appreciate the blessings bestowed upon them. Swaleha emphasizes the importance of looking at those who have less and finding contentment in one's own circumstances.

I think certain percentage of your pocket money should go into savings a certain you can spend and then there's a certain amount that should be going into charity right so

Teaching her children about money and responsibility is a significant aspect of Swaleha's parenting approach. She encourages her kids to plan their expenses and prioritize their needs and wants. By giving them pocket money and allowing them to make decisions about spending, she fosters critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Swaleha also teaches her children about the rewards of sharing and the value of charitable giving. By instilling a sense of responsibility and independence in her children from an early age, she believes they will grow into responsible adults.

Swaleha's journey as a financially independent woman has not only influenced her children but also instilled a sense of responsibility in them. Her children surprise her with thoughtful gifts that they have purchased with their own saved money. Swaleha believes that this early exposure to financial responsibility and decision-making is crucial for children's development.

Swaleha acknowledges that the education system often lacks comprehensive teaching about money management. She incorporates financial education into her teaching through the Dotted Line curriculum, emphasizing that math and money are not just about running a household. They are essential skills needed in various professions and everyday life.

In society, there are still many challenges for women seeking financial independence. Swaleha highlights the gender gap in financial institutions, where women face obstacles in accessing banking services. Opening a bank account can be a complicated process, and societal norms often reinforce women's dependency on male family members. Swaleha's personal experience of being asked for a dependency certificate to open a separate bank account reflects the prevailing male dominance in financial matters.

However, Swaleha also recognizes the positive changes happening through mobile money apps and saving services. These innovations provide women with greater financial independence, allowing them to save and spend on their terms. She believes that empowering women economically is crucial for a more equal society.

Looking toward the future, Swaleha envisions a society with more women-led agencies that cater to financial assistance. She advocates for every woman to have a personal financial statement, whether in the form of a passbook or an accounts ledger. By maintaining a record of their finances, women can have better control over their money and make informed decisions.

Having open conversations about money and women's financial empowerment is essential for societal progress. Swaleha's journey serves as an inspiration and a reminder that financial independence not only benefits individuals but also has a broader impact on families and communities.

The Oraan Podcast aims to continue these conversations, bringing different perspectives and championing the cause of women's financial empowerment. By sharing stories like Swaleha's, they hope to create a more equal and inclusive society where women have equal opportunities to contribute to the economy.


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